The Central Land Council supports the reintroduction of the Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) and calls for additional support for families affected by the Northern Territory’s extreme rate of alcohol consumption.
Meeting at Ross River, east of Alice Springs, the CLC delegates called for the racially discriminatory Temporary Beat Locations (TBL) policy to be removed but accepted that it needs to be phased out.
In their discussion with the People’s Alcohol Action Coalition CLC delegates voiced their expectation that the police resources freed up by the abolition of the TBL will be redirected to tackling the illicit grog trade.
The delegates passed the following resolution:
“The Central Land Council acknowledges the devastating effects of alcohol on Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal families and communities.
Alcoholism is a disease, not a criminal offence.
Alcohol policy should treat all people the same and not discriminate.
The CLC calls for
the TBL to be phased out, and for police to deal only with alcohol issues, not other offences or warrants on the temporary beat;
the BDR to be reintroduced in a way that targets problem drinkers and those with alcohol-related offences;
more support and rehabilitation services for individuals and families living in town and remote communities who are struggling with alcohol issues;
more education for young women and their families about the impact of alcohol and the risk of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder; and
greater transparency about and access to the process of seeking a permit or exemption for a dry area.”